©Antoine Drancey
CSR Summer stopovers in Athens and Venice!
1 min

Energy Observer has headed south, stopping in Greek and Italian lands as part of its 2018 Mediterranean Tour. Let's discover together the highlights of these two stopovers! 

On the way to Greece
After Tunisia, Israel and Cyprus and nearly 7000 nautical miles traveled, Energy Observer stopped in Athens, in Greece on June 19 for the twentieth stage of its world tour. The vessel stayed 5 days in the city to introduce the public to the embedded technologies of this first hydrogen ship around the world and to meet the local pioneers of the ecological transition. 

It was also the opportunity to take stock of the innovations discovered during the navigations in Greece which is today facing many environmental issues such as pollution, mass tourism and maritime traffic on its shores. Victorian Erussard, founder and captain of Energy Observer, explains that this "Odyssey in the Greek Islands [...] has made it possible to take stock of the incredible potential of renewable energies. For example, sailors have discovered that the island of Tilos, home to 700 inhabitants, will be "soon autonomous thanks to a single wind turbine and solar panels." 
©Elisseos Kontis
©Elisseos Kontis © Elisseos Kontis 
Next stop, Venice!
After almost 3 weeks in Greece, Energy Observer returned to sea to stop in Venice from July 6th to 15th. Moored in the marina of Certosa Island, the boat was accompanied by its itinerant village. Guests, partners and the general public had the opportunity to discover "The Odyssey for the Future" through a photo exhibition, videos, a boat tour in virtual reality and a 360° projection. 
©Antoine Drancey
©Antoine Drancey © Antoine Drancey
On the horizon
The vessel continues its route across Italy with several stops in Bari, Messina and Stromboli. From August 11th to 15th, the boat will be in Saint-Tropez then will go to the Balearic Islands...

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