Governance Principles
The members of the Board of Directors of Accor (hereinafter “the Company”) wished to abide by the following operating rules which constitute the By-laws of the Board of Directors.
These By-laws are part of the market recommendations aimed at compliance with the fundamental principles of corporate governance.
These By-laws are intended for internal use only. Their objective is to supplement the articles of incorporation by specifying the Board of Directors’ organizational and operating procedures. They may not be relied on by the shareholders or third parties against the directors, the Company or any Group Accor company (hereinafter “the Group”). It applies as needed to the tellers appointed by the Board of Directors as well as to the Founding Co-Chairmen designated in Article 21 of the Company’s articles of incorporation.
The existence and main provisions of these By-laws shall be disclosed to the shareholders and to the public.

Executive Compensation Policy
Compensation policies for Accor corporate officers comply with AFEP/MEDEF corporate governance recommendations. Compensation is determined by the Board based on the recommendation of the Appointments and Compensation Committee.
The compensation policy applicable to Executive Officers in 2021 was approved by the Shareholders’ Meeting held on April 29, 2021

Information Executive compensation
Cross-reference tables with SASB industry standards
Decisions made by the Board of Directors held on 21 February 2024
Accor European Travel Trends
Information relating to Related party agreements
Related-party agreement - Rotana Music
Related-party agreement between Accor and Paris Saint Germain Football (french version)
Related-party agreement between Accor and AAC for the provision of premises
Related-party agreement between Accor and Fondation de France, acting in the name and on behalf of Fondation G&G Pélisson