For the past 6 years, students from all over the world have been invited to take part in a challenge which calls for both innovation and creativity. This year 300 teams will be asked to design the mobile hotel of your dreams. Inscriptions are now open!
For the past 6 years, students from all over the world have been invited to take part in a challenge which calls for both innovation and creativity. This year 300 teams will be asked to design the mobile hotel of your dreams. Inscriptions are now open!
Take Off! is the worldwide student competition organized by AccorHotels. Since 2012, 6 editions have been successfully launched. Through their participation in the contest future professionals are assessed by AccorHotels experts as well as teaching staff from graduate schools!
Within the Group we are always developing disruptive ideas which break with the traditional codes of hospitality. For example, the idea that it is up to guests to come and join our hotels can be looked at from a different angle. Maybe our stays should go to them! The mobile hotel is one of the ways that hospitality could evolve in the future.
This disruptive idea forms the basis of the Take Off! challenge. Students must design the perfect mobile hotel which will move around to fit in with the needs of travellers.
For what type of occasion?
In 2 situations where the hotel must come to the travelers:
- Public events, such as festivals, trade fairs or cultural or sports events
- Private events, such as weddings, events for families or friends.
This is a very promising market. By way of example, the festival market represented more than 2 billion dollars in 2017 but is expected to reach 3.5 billion dollars by 2020!
Who is concerned?
They are mainly local players who are not currently in a position to expand in the international market for logistical, marketing and organisational reasons.
From the low-cost sector to the luxury sector, these players typically make use of different designs and experiences to meet the needs and expectations of their customers, such as tents, windows, buses, removable containers, small boxes, bubble, etc.
A selection process in 3 stages
As you can see, this is not an easy contest! The participants have to get through 2 heats before reaching the final round to be held before COMEX members in Paris on June 20th.
The first stage will finish on April 20th and by April 6th the participants must make a collage photo with a title and a text comprising a maximum of 500 characters! Out of the 100 3-person teams, only15 will be chosen to go forward to the second heat.
In the 2nd stage, the remaining teams will be asked to prepare a video lasting 1’30 minutes and present the pop-up hotel concept during a conference call.
The 5 teams who get through to the final will be invited to come to Paris to take part in a mystery test.
Good luck to all!